Monthly Archives: March 2013

GBO NEWS: New NPR Gen-Beat Reporter; Special AHCJ Conference Report

Posted: March 27, 2013 at 1:00 am


E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations

EDITOR’S NOTE: If you have technical problems receiving issues of GBO News or if you’d like to be removed from the list, simply auto-reply to this e-mail of GBO News, or phone me at 415-503-4170 ext. 133 (e-mail: GBO especially thanks Sandy Close of New America Media, and our cyber-guru, Kevin Chan.

IN THIS ISSUE: Matzo Brei and Bunny Love for All.


Editor’s Note: The new GBO News marks the 20th year of the Journalists Network on Generations. Click through this brief table of contents to the full “GBO News,” on Wordpress. This format is “scaleable” for computer, e-pad or mobile device, and you can post comments now directly. Let us know what you think of the new format.


1. THE CONFERENCE BEAT: Health Journalism Conference Spotlights Growing Complications of Senior Care

2. RESOURCES: AHCJ’s New Website Provides Investigative Tool on Hospitals

3.GEN BEATLES NEWS: Ina Jaffe is NPR’s Latest Gen Beat Reporter; Minneapolis Star-Tribune’s Warren Wolfe Retires after 42 years at paper

4. TOASTS TO POSTINGS: Recent articles by Rose Aguilar (The Nation, older homeless women); Trudy Lieberman (CRJ, greedy-geezer mongering in the social insurance debate); Mike Hoyt (CJR, “Greedy Geezers, Redux”; Charles Ornstein (ProPublica and Washington Post on his Mom’s death and end-of-life care); Lee Goldberg (Roll Call, on long-term care in health reform); Kerry Hannon (New York Times, on the gray-jobs market); Yolanda Gonzalez Gomez (HuffPost Voces/New America Media, series on aging along the Tex-Mex border.)


GBO NEWS: AP Gen Beat Reporter’s Fellowship; LGBT Aging; Entitlement Lies

Posted: March 12, 2013 at 1:00 am

GBO NEWS: AP Gen Beat Reporter’s Fellowship; LGBT Aging; Entitlement Lies



E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations

March 12, 2013 — Volume 13, Number 5

EDITOR’S NOTE: If you have technical problems receiving issues of GBO News or if you’d like to be removed from the list, simply auto-reply to this e-mail of GBO News, or phone me at 415-503-4170 ext. 133 (e-mail: GBO especially thanks Sandy Close of New America Media, and our cyber-guru, Kevin Chan.

IN THIS ISSUE: The new, improved GBO New, marks the 20th year of the Journalists Network on Generations. Great new format, same seasoned content. Henceforth, you will receive this mercifully short table of contents list via e-mail and be able to click through to the full “GBO News,” now set up as a Wordpress blog. The new format is “scaleable” to read by computer, e-pad or mobile device, and you can post comments now directly. Let us know what you think of the new format.

 1.     THOSE MOST HAPPY FELLOWSHIPS: ***AP Gen Beat Correspondent Matt Sedensky Wins Major Fellowship; ***USC/Annenberg’s $2,000-$10,000 Fellowship Deadlines

2.     GEN BEATLES NEWS: ***Anti-Ageism Blogger Ashton Applewhite Speaks in New York City, March 18; ***Network TV Vet Ronni Bennett on TNT Med Drama “Monday Mornings.”

3.     HOT WEB LINKS –ON LGBT ELDERS: HuffPost’s Catherine New on “Social Security Benefits Denied To Same-Sex Couples, Costing Thousands: Report”; Bay Area Reporter series on Asian, Black LGBT Elders.

4.     FISCAL REFORM SCHOOL – or WASHINGTON WEEK IN REBUKE: ***“The Retirement Crisis Facing Blacks and Latinos”; *** “Brill’s Big Breakthrough” in Time; *** “Footnote” to Krugman-Scarborough Debate; *** Thomas Edsall’s incisive NYT overview of entitlements debate; *** Michael Hiltzik’s Five Biggest Lies About Entitlements in L.A. Times.