Monthly Archives: May 2013

GBO NEWS: NAM’s 400 Ethnic Elders Stories; Grace Slick’s Acid & Wrinkles; & More

Posted: May 24, 2013 at 1:15 am

IN THIS ISSUE: Memorable News

1. 400 COLORFUL ARTICLES ON ELDERS: NAM Ethnic Elders Newsbeat Logs 400th Article.

2. GEN BEATLES NEWS: ***Not Going Gentle Into That Loud Night? – Former Acid Queen Grace Slick, to turn 74; ***Going Tirelessly Into That Tasty Time, Dr. Carroll Estes to Celebrate 75 with Iron Chef-level Barbeque and LGBT Aging Policy Briefing; ***Harris Meyer New at Modern Healthcare; ***Investigative Reporter Jim Ridgeway’s Piece on Aging Prisoners a Finalist for Major Award; ***Gerontologist/Columnist Helen Dennis Is “Shocked” By Reader Response.

3. BOOK ’EM: ***Knocking on Heaven’s Door; The Path to a Better Way of Death forthcoming by Journalist Katy Butler; ***Eric Laursen’s People’s Pension: The Struggle to Defend Social Security Since Reagan wins Gold Medal from Independent Publisher Book Awards.

4. RESOURCES: *** Grantmakers In Aging “Age-Friendly Communities” Report and Searchable Info Around U.S.; *** EPA’s 7th Annual Sense of Wonder Contest Celebrates Legacy of Rachel Carson; *** ALERT: Social Security Trustees Report, May 31; *** Social Security News Clips



GBO NEWS: New Journalism Fellowships; Sequestered Seniors; Sharper Brains

Posted: May 2, 2013 at 11:11 am

1. JOURNALISM FELLOWSHIP NEWS: ***MetLife Foundation Approves Year 4 of Journalists in Aging Fellowships; ***AHCJ Regional Health Journalism Fellow Deadline

2. FISCAL REFORM SCHOOL: ***Seniors Suffering Sequestration (Orlando Sentinel); ***Good Weeks for Economics Grad Students, Bad for Harvard Economists; ***“Aging Undocumented Immigrants — A Burden or a Boon?”; ***“LGBT Families and Social Security—Living Outside the Safety Net”

3. GEN BEATLES NEWS: ***ASA to Reinstate Pressroom; ***Ellen Eichelbaum’s Arresting Talk (on Alzheimer’s Wanderers); ***Gov. Jerry Brown Names Stuart Greenbaum to California Commission on Aging

4. RESOURCES: ***Alzheimer’s and Hispanic Communities Briefing on Capitol Hill, May 7; ***New SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness; ***National Press Foundation (NPF) Posts Audio, Print Files from Retirement Conference