Monthly Archives: December 2014

GBO NEWS: Hispanic Care Project Wins Emmy; Elder Justice Act; Fed Bill’s Pension Theft; & More

Posted: December 18, 2014 at 1:00 am


E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations

December 18, 2014 — Volume 14, Number 15

Editor’s Note: GBO News, e-news of the Journalists Network on Generation publishes alerts for journalists, producers and authors covering generational issues. Send your news of important stories or books (by you and others), fellowships, awards or pertinent kvetches to GBO News Editor Paul Kleyman. If you receive the table of contents as e-mail, just click through to the full issue at

IN THIS ISSUE: Respite from the 24/7 Christmas Carol Cycle.

1. GEN BEATLES NEWS: A Big NY Times Boost for “Homes on the Range” Film; ***Terra Nova Films’ Wins Emmy on Hispanic Caregiving Project

2. THE STORY BOARD: “The Kindness of Strangers,” Barbara Peters Smith’s Sarasota Herald Tribune Series on How Courts Abet the Theft of Seniors’ Civil Rights; ***Senate Aging Panel Looks at Debit Card Scams; ***NPR Series on Hospice; ***Washington Post’s “Consumer Guide to Hospice.”

3. FISCAL REFORM SCHOOL: Congress’s “Cromnibus” Budget Bill Giveth  (the Elder Justice Act) and Taketh Away (Many Pensions, If Not the Thin Scrim Between You and Your Wallet); ***New Social Security Works! Book.

4. EYES ON THE PRIZE: Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Awards Deadline Feb. 6; ***Excellence in Health Care Journalism Entry Deadline Jan. 16.