Monthly Archives: October 2015
GBO NEWS: AP’s Gen-Beat Reporter Goes National; Pulitzer Winner Takes Buyout; Reporting Fellowships; & More
Posted: October 27, 2015 at 1:00 am
E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations
Oct. 27, 2015 — Volume 15, Number 14
Editor’s Note: GBO News, e-news of the Journalists Network on Generation publishes alerts for journalists, producers and authors covering generational issues. Send your news of important stories or books (by you and others), fellowships, awards or pertinent kvetches to GBO News Editor Paul Kleyman. You can subscribe to at no charge simply by sending a request to Paul with your name, address, phone number and editorial affiliation or note that you freelance. You’ll receive the table of contents as e-mail, just click through to the full issue at
IN THIS ISSUE: Dante’s 9th Circle of Buyouts (Featuring the Haunted Bureau–Boo!).
1. GEN BEATLES NEWS: *** AP Moves Generations-Beat Reporter Matt Sedensky to National Team; ***AP Announces Two Fellows on Economics of Aging and Long-Term Care; *** Pulitzer Winner Michael Vitez Takes Buyout” from Philadelphia Inquirer.
2. THE MEET-UP BEAT: *** Media Events & Registration for Gerontological Society of America Meeting in Orlando (Plus GSA Sources for Reporters Not Able to Attend); *** GSA-NAM Name 12 Journalists in Aging Continuing Fellows; ***AHCJ Reporting Fellowship Deadline Next Monday, Nov. 2.
*** “Should Older Americans Live in Places Segregated From the Young?” by Stephen M. Golant, (on The Conversation and Huffington Post);
*** “Where Should You Live As You Age” by Howard Gleckman, Forbes (commenting on Prof. Golant’s New Book);
*** “The Lonely Death of George Bell” by N.L. Kleinfield, and “Jonas Mekas Refuses to Fade” by John Leland, both in New York Times, Oct. 18.
*** “Losing Sleep for Fear of Becoming a Bag Lady” by Liz Seegert, Silver Century Foundation;
*** “Exceeding Expectations: One Year. One City. 20 Lives” spearheaded by the Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center, Columbia University;
*** “A History of Ageism Since 1969” by W. Andrew Achenbaum, Generations (Oct. 19).
4. GOOD BOOKS: “What Old Age Is Really Like,” novelist Ceridwen Dovey’s survey in The New Yorker of fiction and poetry by writer in very old age.
GBO NEWS: 18 Get Age Journalism Fellowships; Playboy Hits Ageism; “Daily Show’s” Noah Blows Christie Interview on Social Security; New Books & More
Posted: October 6, 2015 at 1:00 am
E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations
Oct. 6, 2015 — Volume 15, Number 13
Editor’s Note: GBO News, e-news of the Journalists Network on Generation publishes alerts for journalists, producers and authors covering generational issues. Send your news of important stories or books (by you and others), fellowships, awards or pertinent kvetches to GBO News Editor Paul Kleyman. You can subscribe to at no charge simply by sending a request to Paul with your name, address, phone number and editorial affiliation or note that you freelance. You’ll receive the table of contents as e-mail, just click through to the full issue at
IN THIS ISSUE: Trump is Right, Say Native Americans! Wall Him Out on Oct. 12.
1. EYES ON THE PRIZE: ***18 Receive 2016 Journalists in Aging Fellowships; ***National Press Foundation’s New Journalism Awards: Oct. 15 Deadline; ***Hunter College’s Center for Health, Media & Policy in New York Selects First Media Fellow; ***California Health Data Journalism Fellowship, Oct. 16 Deadline
2. GEN BEATLES NEWS: *** Dallas News Personal Finance Columnist Pamela Yip Dies; ***Sue Campbell Moves From PBS Next Avenue to Star-Tribune
3. Good Old Books: *** Spirituality of Age hits #1 on Amazon’s New Releases in Aging; *** Bengtson’s Families named Best Book by American Sociological Association
4. THE STORYBOARD: *** “Senior Villages Struggle With Call to Diversity,” by April Dembosky, KQED-FM’s “California Report”; *** “The Cancer Show,” On the Media with host Brooke Gladstone
5. ANNALS OF AGEISM: *** “Why Jerry Brown Can’t Be President,” by Ashton Applewhite, Playboy (Sept. 2015); Daily Show’s Trevor Noah Blows Chris Christie Interview on Social Security; *** But So Does CNN’s Dana Bash, Reports Slate’s Helaine Olen; Noah, Bash Should Read; *** “The Myth Behind America’s Deficit,” by Brookings Institution’s Henry J. Aaron (Fortune Magazine, Sept. 10) and “The Art of the Tough Interview,” by Gerald Eskenazi, Columbia Journalism Review (Oct. 1)