Monthly Archives: August 2016

GBO NEWS: Last New Orleans Fellowship Chance; Happiness of the Oldest-Old; Hamilton? Try Social Security Innovator–Thomas Paine; Immortality at NYT; AARP Shamed; & More

Posted: August 11, 2016 at 1:00 am


E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations

Aug. 11 , 2016 — Volume 16, Number 13

Editor’s Note: GBO News, e-news of the Journalists Network on Generation publishes alerts for journalists, producers and authors covering generational issues. Send your news of important stories or books (by you and others), fellowships, awards or pertinent kvetches to GBO News Editor Paul Kleyman. You can subscribe to at no charge simply by sending a request to Paul with your name, address, phone number and editorial affiliation or note that you freelance. You’ll receive the table of contents as e-mail, just click through to the full issue at

In This Issue: Our E-Mails Are Unloaded.

1. GEN BEATLES NEWS: ***Monday Application Deadline for Journalists in Aging Fellowships for New Orleans Conference; ***Gen-Beat Pioneer Sandy Rovner Dies at 88; ***Judy Graham to Start New Kaiser Health News Column on Aging & Health; ***New York Times Bestows Immortality on the Healthy.

2. THE BOOKMOBILE: *** NYT’s John Leland Signs Book Deal on Happiness … Among the Oldest Old; *** Pensionless: The 10-Step Solution for a Stress-Free Retirement by Emily Brandon

3. FISCAL REFORM SCHOOL: *** “The Case for More Government and Higher Taxes,” by Eduardo Porter, New York Times (Aug. 3); *** “Hamilton?” Lin-Manuel, Check Out Social Security Innovator–Thomas Paine; “What’s Going on With CBO’s Social Security Projections?” by Center for Retirement Research Director Alicia H. Munnell, MarketWatch.

4. THE STORYBOARD: *** “A Shamed AARP Withdraws from Right-Wing Lobbying Organization ALEC,” by Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times; *** “DIAGNOSIS UNPREPARED: Elderly Hospital Patients Arrive Sick, Often Leave Disabled,” by Anna Gorman, Kaiser Health News; *** “Short-term care insurance policies on the rise in niche market,” by Barbara Marquand, NerdWallet/Christian Science Monitor; *** “Book Up for a Longer Life: [] readers die later, study finds,” by Alison Flood, The Guardian; *** “Why Trump and Clinton Need to Join the Conversation on Retirement Security,” by Dan Kadlec, Money; *** “Closed Social Security offices, furloughed staff under GOP cuts, agency warns,” by Joe Davidson, Washington Post.