Monthly Archives: October 2016

GBO NEWS: MemoryWell Journalists Tell Dementia Patients’ Stories; Gen-Beat Reporters in New Orleans Event; Poverty Stats, Older Women, Steinem and, Oh, Yeah, Trump: & MORE

Posted: October 12, 2016 at 1:00 am


E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations

October 12, 2016 — Volume 16, Number 16

Editor’s Note: GBO News, e-news of the Journalists Network on Generation publishes alerts for journalists, producers and authors covering generational issues. Send your news of important stories or books (by you and others), fellowships, awards or pertinent kvetches to GBO News Editor Paul Kleyman. You can subscribe to at no charge simply by sending a request to Paul with your name, address, phone number and editorial affiliation or note that you freelance. You’ll receive the table of contents as e-mail, just click through to the full issue at

In This Issue: Happy Indigenous Peoples & Immigrant Heritage Day (Orange-Haired, Too).

1. AGE BEATLES NEWS: MemoryWell’s Journalistic Storytelling for Dementia Patients

2. AGING JOURNALISTS IN NEW ORLEANS: Registration & Online Resources (Even for those not attending) for Gerontological Society on Aging Annual Scientific Meeting, also with keynote by NYT columnist and Solutions Journalism Network co-founder David Bornstein.

3. THE STORYBOARD: *** “The Givers,” by Francine Russo, Scientific American-MIND (November-December); *** “President Trump Wouldn’t Have To Wait For Congress To Undo Much Of The Health Law,” by Julie Rovner, Kaiser Health News (Oct. 7): *** “Who Deserves to Be Poor?” by Brooke Gladstone, On the Media, WNYC/public radio nationwide (Week of Oct. 6); *** “Gloria Steinem Never Stops: A Feminist Icon Has Fans, Critics, and Plenty Yet to Do,” by John Leland, New York Times (Oct. 9), andThe Gray Gender Gap: Older Women Are Likelier to Go It Alone,” by Paula Span, New York Times (Oct. 7 online; Oct. 11 in “Science Times”); *** 4 Animals Who Mourn Their Dead,” by Kristina Chew, Care2 (Oct. 8); *** Did Donald Trump Cheat On His Social Security And Medicare Taxes? by Nancy Altman, Huffington Post (Oct. 8).

4. GOOD SOURCES: *** “Living Below the Line: Economic Insecurity and Older Americans Insecurity in the States 2016,” UMass Boston’s Center for Social & Demographic Research on Aging (Sept. 6); *** “Patient-Centered Medical Homes [PCMH] and the Care of Older Adults,” John A. Hartford Foundation Change AGEnts (September 2016); *** Resources for the 8th Biennial Asian American (AA) and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (NHPI) Health Conference now online.


GBO NEWS: Norman Lear on PBS; 9 Journalism Fellowships; GOP Senators Eye Entitlements; Major Family Caregiving Report; Latinos & Alzheimer’s; & MORE

Posted: October 5, 2016 at 1:00 am


E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations

October 5, 2016 — Volume 16, Number 15

Editor’s Note: GBO News, e-news of the Journalists Network on Generation publishes alerts for journalists, producers and authors covering generational issues. Send your news of important stories or books (by you and others), fellowships, awards or pertinent kvetches to GBO News Editor Paul Kleyman. You can subscribe to at no charge simply by sending a request to Paul with your name, address, phone number and editorial affiliation or note that you freelance. You’ll receive the table of contents as e-mail, just click through to the full issue at

In This Issue: Hey, Genius, Get Your Tiny Mitts Off My Wallet! 

1. SCREEN GEMS: *** “Norman Lear: Just Another Version of You,” premiers on PBS’s American Masters, Oct. 25; ***A New Color: The Art of Being Edythe Boone,” produced/directed Marlene “Mo” Morris.

2. GEN BEATLES NEWS: ***Nine Reporters Chosen as Continuing Fellows for Journalists in Aging Program

3. THE STORYBOARD: *** “Wages for Home Care Aides Lag as Demand Grows,” by Paula Span, New York Times; *** Restive GOP Freshmen Eye Entitlement Reform,” by Alexander Bolton, The Hill (Oct. 3); *** “Outlook For Older Job Seekers: Better Than Advertised,” by Kerry Hannon, Forbes/PBS Next Avenue (Sept. 22); *** “Taking on ‘The Real Power Players,’ by Spencer McAvoy (, from In These Times); *** “The Fine Art of Blowing Up Art: Evelyn Rosenberg’s Explosive Sculptures,” by Diane Joy Schmidt, New Mexico Jewish Link/New America Media (Oct.4).

4. GOOD SOURCES: ***Families Caring for an Aging America, a new book-length report from the National Academies of Sciences; *** But What Does the Census Say About Senior Poverty?” by Tracey Gronniger, from Justice in Aging; *** “Latinos & Alzheimer’s Disease: New Numbers Behind the Crisis,” University of Southern California’s Edward R. Roybal Institute at on Aging; *** Health IT & Aging Sources