Monthly Archives: February 2018
GBO NEWS: 2 Views of Trauma (Preventing & Surviving); GBONews/JNG to Turn 25 at ASA Fete; Reporting Fellowships; Leland’s NYT Bestseller; AgeLab’s Coughlin at Aging 2.0; & MORE
Posted: February 23, 2018 at 1:00 am
E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations — Our 25th Year.
February 23, 2018 — Volume 18, Number 3
EDITOR’S NOTE: GBONews, e-news of the Journalists Network on Generations (JNG), publishes alerts for journalists, producers and authors covering generational issues. Send your news of important stories or books (by you and others), fellowships, awards or pertinent kvetches to GBO News Editor Paul Kleyman. []. To subscribe to at no charge, simply sending a request to Paul with your name, address, phone number and editorial affiliation or note that you freelance. For each issue, you’ll receive the table of contents in an e-mail, so just click through to the full issue at GBONews does not provide its list to other entities.
In This Issue: Join the NPA (National Plowshares Association)! Complimentary Membership Card No. 1 to Wayne LaPierre.
1. THE BOOKMOBILE: Two Takes on Trauma-Before and After– *** Dr. Nadine Burke Harris on Lifelong Impact of Childhood Adversity; ***Mark Miller’s Jolt: Stories of Trauma and Transformation.
2. EYES ON THE PRIZE: *** Economics of Aging and Work Journalism Fellowship application deadline April 2 by the Associated Press-NORC Center; REMINDERS: *** Columbia University’s 2018 Aging Fellowship deadline, March 2: *** Rosalyn Carter Journalist Fellowship in Mental Health, April 11.
3. GEN BEATLES NEWS: *** ASA’s Aging in America Conference, March 26-29, Marks 25th Anniversary of Journalists Network on Generations & GBONews; *** John Leland Hits NYT Bestsellers List With Happiness Is a Choice You Make: Lessons from A Year Among the Oldest Old; *** MIT AgeLab Founder/CEO Joseph Coughlin Featured at Aging 2.0 in Boston, March 1, in On-Stage Talk with Boston Globe’s Robert Weisman on Coughlin’s new book, The Longevity Economy; *** Journalist and MemoryWell Founder Jay Newton-Small on Her Week in Assisted Living in PBS Next Avenue Story.
*** “Advance Care Directives: Making Plans for Future Medical Care,” by Larry Beresford, The Lancet’s “United States of Health US” blog;
*** “Minnesota Senior Community Pushes Back Against ‘Astronomical’ Rent Hikes,” by Chris Serres, Minneapolis Star-Tribune;
*** “Chinese Seniors in New York: Where to Live,” by Zhihong Li, in English see Diverse Elders Coalition, in Chinese see Sing Tao Daily;
*** “A Gift From My Grandmother: An Embrace of Life – and Aging,” by Jeneé Darden, KQED Public Broadcasting;
*** “Hmong Elders and Depression,” by Alice Daniel, (California Hmong media) and Diverse Elders Coalition;
*** “Home Care Agencies Often Wrongly Deny Medicare Help to the Chronically Ill” by Susan Jaffe, Kaiser Health News.
GBO NEWS: Ivanka’s Child Care Paid via Social Security?; Reporting Fellowship Deadlines; AHCJ & Aging America Conferences; The Bookmobile; & MORE
Posted: February 2, 2018 at 2:00 pm
E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations — Our 25th Year.
February 2, 2018 — Volume 18, Number 2
EDITOR’S NOTE: GBONews, e-news of the Journalists Network on Generations (JNG), publishes alerts for journalists, producers and authors covering generational issues. Send your news of important stories or books (by you and others), fellowships, awards or pertinent kvetches to GBO News Editor Paul Kleyman. []. To subscribe to at no charge, simply sending a request to Paul with your name, address, phone number and editorial affiliation or note that you freelance. For each issue, you’ll receive the table of contents in an e-mail, so just click through to the full issue at GBONews does not provide its list to other entities.
In This Issue: President Groundhog Memos His Shadow (6 More Weeks of Mueller).
1. THE STATE OF THE FAMILY UNION: *** The Hill op-ed by Nancy J. Altman, “Immigrants play a vital role in securing our Social Security system’s future” (Jan. 30); *** Los Angeles Times’ Michael Hiltzik on proposal to cover paid family leave in the U.S.-with Social Security retirement benefits. (How much was the tax cut, again?)
2. EYES ON THE PRIZE: *** Columbia University’s 2018 Age Boom Fellowship Deadline, March 2; *** Rosalyn Carter Journalist Fellowship in Mental Health accepting applications Feb. 5-April 11; *** MacDowell Colony’s Art of Journalism Fellowship deadline for fall residencies, April 15; *** Health Journalism 2018 Fellowships Deadline, Feb. 16 for AHCJ) national conference in Phoenix.
3. THE CONFERENCE BEAT: AHCJ’s Health Journalism 2018 in Phoenix Sets Feb. 16 to Apply for Travel Fellowships; Aging in America Conference in San Francisco, March 26-29-How to Apply for Media Passes
3.AGING IN AMERICA CONFERENCE IN SAN FRANCISCO, MARCH 26-29: Media Pass Application information.
4.THE BOOKMOBILE: *** Ashton Applewhite Lands Book Deal; *** The New York Times’ John Leland Interviewed on NPR’s “Fresh Air”; Aging Famously: Follow Those You Admire to Living Long and Well, by Elizabeth Meade Howard.