Monthly Archives: March 2018

GBO NEWS: Pennsylvania’s Real Winner; Reporters at Aging in America Meeting; Harry Potter & Daniel Ellsberg’s Doomsday Machine; Reporting Fellowships; Health Journalism 2018; & MORE

Posted: March 15, 2018 at 3:28 pm

E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations — Our 25th Year.

March 15, 2018 — Volume 18, Number 4

EDITOR’S NOTE: GBONews, e-news of the Journalists Network on Generations (JNG), publishes alerts for journalists, producers and authors covering generational issues. Send your news of important stories or books (by you and others), fellowships, awards or pertinent kvetches to GBO News Editor Paul Kleyman. []. To subscribe to at no charge, simply sending a request to Paul with your name, address, phone number and editorial affiliation or note that you freelance. For each issue, you’ll receive the table of contents in an e-mail, so just click through to the full issue at GBONews does not provide its list to other entities.

In This Issue: Black Holes Are Even Darker Now—Farewell Prof. Hawking.

1. THE CONFERENCE BEAT: Aging in America Conference in San Francisco, March 26-29, including Diversity program and 15th Boomer Business Summit; Health Journalism 2018 in Phoenix, April 12-15.

2. PENNSYLVANIA’S REAL WINNER: ***Keystone State Elects–Social Security, Medicare.

3. EYES ON THE PRIZE—Application Deadline Reminders: ***Economics of Aging and Work Journalism Fellowship deadline, April 2; ***The Rosalyn Carter Journalist Fellowship in Mental Health, April 11.

4. GEN BEATLES NEWS: ***CA Aging Commissioner Stuart Greenbaum and the Hollywood Initiative; *** Harry Potter & The Doomsday Machine (Very Scary Nonfiction by Daniel Ellsberg); *** Columbia Journalism Review’s Trudy Lieberman Recovering from Long Illness; *** The Beats Go On! 94th Birthday Shout-Out (March 9) to Author Herbert Gold, 99th for Lawrence Ferlinghetti (March 24).

5. HEALTH CARE REFORM SCHOOL: *** “LTC Insurance & Financing Late-Life Care Needs,” Dr. Leslie Kernisan interviews Forbes columnist Howard Gleckman; *** NYT’s Ron Lieber examines Washington State’s bipartisan near miss on tax boost for LTC; MediCaring blog criticizes Fed program for Ignoring community-based care.