Monthly Archives: September 2013

GBO NEWS: U.S. Frowns at U.N. Happiness Report; New MetLife Journalists

Posted: September 12, 2013 at 1:00 am


E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations


Sept. 12, 2013 — Volume 13, Number 13


Editor’s Note: The new “GBO News” marks the 20th year of the Journalists Network on Generations. Click through this table of contents to the full issue at This format is “scalable” for computer, e-pad or mobile. Let us know what you think of the new format.


IN THIS ISSUE: Ain’t Gonna Study War on the Debt Ceiling No More.


1. FISCAL REFORM SCHOOL: United Nations 2013 “World Happiness Report”; *** Unhappy Retirements for Minorities and Women, Says Economic Policy Institute Report; *** How Happy Are Grandparents? Asks UCLA Study; *** Poor Local Coverage Inequality Says Media Matters Study


2. EYES ON THE PRIZE: 17 Selected for MetLife Journalists in Aging Fellowship; *** 14 Reporters at Columbia Journalism School’s Age Boom Academy; *** Health Data Journalism Workshop, Oct. 3-4


3. BOOK BEAT: Katy Butler’s Knocking on Heaven’s Door Gets Rave, Tour Dates and Review Copies Available for Journalists


4 BIFOCAL READS: The New York Times “Retirement” section—and a Note of Relationship Sagacity