Monthly Archives: May 2015

GBO NEWS: Journalism Fellows Named; Norman Lear in Silicon Valley; Medicare-Medicaid at 50

Posted: May 27, 2015 at 1:00 am


E-News of the Journalists Network on Generations

May 27, 2015 — Volume 15, Number 8

Editor’s Note: GBO News, e-news of the Journalists Network on Generation publishes alerts for journalists, producers and authors covering generational issues. Send your news of important stories or books (by you and others), fellowships, awards or pertinent kvetches to GBO News Editor Paul Kleyman. You can subscribe to at no charge simply by sending a request to Paul with your name, address, phone number and editorial affiliation or note that you freelance. You’ll receive the table of contents as e-mail, just click through to the full issue at

IN THIS ISSUE: B.J. Leiderman Did Not Write Our Theme Music (You Did).

1. EYES ON THE PRIZE: ***National Press Foundation’s Taps 18 for “Retirement” Fellowships; *** Columbia University’s Age Boom Academy names 15 Journalism Fellows; *** June 22 is the Applications Deadline for two Society of Professional Journalists Awards

2. THE CONFERENCE BEAT: ***The 2015 Silicon Valley Boomer Venture Summit, June 30, with Keynote by Norman Lear, New York Times’ Eric Taub and many more.

3. THE STORYBOARD: ***Modern Healthcare Special Issue: “Medicare and Medicaid: The Next Half Century”; ***Health Affairs’ “Aging & Health Series”; *** “Jane Gross–The Far Shore of Aging” interview by Krista Tippett’s Public Radio show, “On Being”; *** Refugees Aging in Indiana Series by Jennifer Boen in the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel; *** “Calming Dementia Patients — Without Powerful Drugs,” by Rachel Dornhelm on KQED Public Radio; *** “Aging-in-Place May Be a Fountain of Youth Secret,” by Rita Watson, Psychology Today

4. GOOD SOURCES: *** “Massachusetts Healthy Aging Data Report” from the UMass Boston Gerontology Institute; *** “Scrimping and Saving: A report on financial access, attitudes and behaviors of low- and moderate-income Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders,” from the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development.